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Early Childhood Education
MY E. Portfolio
for Learning
Planning guides demonstrate the curriculum objectives by extending and organizing them and it’s also called as an “organizational management plan (ASBO, 2003). Moreover, planning guides lead educators to how to implement lesson objectives (, n.d). A good planning includes three plan versions which are: long-term planning (LTP), medium-term planning (MTP), and the short-term planning (STP). These three versions are linked to each other through the objectives. It is like complex roots that connect to a base which is the pedagogy- the curriculum. (ASBO, 2003).
PDST. (n.d). PDST. Long term planning - general introduction. Retrieved from term-planning---general-introduction
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-Identifying the role of long-term and unit planning to effective teaching
-Constructing a long-term plan and unit plan which demonstrates effective sequencing of content
-Designing full lesson plans which include increasing levels of detail & complexity and which ensure pacing is productive
-Planning how lessons will be informatively assessed
-Designing full lesson plans which include increasing levels of detail & complexity (knowledge to be learned, skills to be practiced, values to be internalized etc)
-Planning lessons which include a range of differentiated activities
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The LTP is a yearly or a term plan that allows teachers to apply or implement the curriculum. It contains what the children should achieve by the end year or a term. LTP has many advantages. It gives the teachers the opportunity to see the whole curriculum for a full year. Also, it provides a short summary of the learning outcomes or the objectives that should be achieved by the end of the year (PDST, n.d). During my previous teaching practice, the head of primary school viewed the long-term plan with the teachers to discuss the aims of what children will be achieved through the year. Click on the heading "LONG-TERM PLAN" to view the LTP that I planned for a half year.
PDST. (n.d). PDST. Long term planning - general introduction. Retrieved from term-planning---general-introduction
The other planning guide is the unit plan. It is a monthly plan or a term plan that illustrates the long term plan objectives in a more detailed way. The unit plan provides teachers with the themes that should be introduced to the children throughout the semester or for that month (Clo1 [PowerPoint slides], n.d). One of the unit plan advantages is that lessons can be planned by teachers as a result of knowing the themes that are included in the unit plan. All of the private schools that I went to had a unit plan, and all of the teachers referred to it while planning for the STP.
Click on the heading "UNIT PLAN" to view the UP that I planned for a month.
Clo1 [PowerPoint slides]. (n.d). Retrieved from _1&content_id=_8794934_1&mode=reset
As I planned both long-term plan and unit plan, I found that there were some similarities and differences between them. All of the planning guides present the aims and objectives of the curriculum in a different way. The long-term plan shows the basic aims in a short way, while the unit plan aims are expanded to include sub-objectives or themes. However, there is a lesson plan as well which will be demonstrated in detail below. The lesson plan contains the learning objectives and the learning areas that should be focused on including the activities that match that level. One of the similarities is that all of the long, Unit and lesson plans refers to and represents one thing which is the curriculum.
Lesson objective: Identity letter (Jeem) in Arabic in different locations in the word: beginning, middle and end, and write them in different forms according to the location.
In this lesson, I demonstrated good lesson planning where I provided good details such as prior knowledge, Lesson Activities, Assessment, personal focus, and a timeline the demonstrated the time of each part of the lesson. I learned that a good lesson plan is a lesson that has a strong learning objective, with an engaging introduction that attracts the students to learn and get eager, an organized procedure, and a good evaluation method with reflections and materials.
Click on the heading "LESSON PLAN 1" to view the whole lesson plan
Lesson objective: Recognize letter (Thal) in Arabic and identify the letter in words that start with it and between other letters.
In this lesson, I demonstrated good lesson planning where I demonstrated good instructions that were held in the lesson for each part of the lesson either on carpet or center time. Moreover, I planned good activities that were appropriate for the children which matched their levels and their interest. I learned that considering multiple intelligences in the lesson plan allows the learning to be deliverable to the students because students have different multiple intelligences.
Click on the heading "LESSON PLAN 2" to view the whole lesson plan
Lesson plans are Unlike the unit and the long-term plan, the lesson plan considers the learning objective, assessments, events that go with the lesson, and the skills that the children should be able to achieve at the end of the lesson. Moreover, the lesson plan is more detailed in the learning areas and the domains that should be developed or achieved by the end of the lesson. Every teacher plans a lesson plan, to make the teaching line clear to achieve the objective and cover all of the areas of the curriculum. I believe that lesson plans are the guide that the teacher refers to when teaching a lesson to make sure that she/ he did cover all of the areas that should be coverd during that lesson.
We planned for an educational trip which was to "Arabian Wildlife center". Within two weeks my classmate and I planned a provisional plan. We got the trip information such as the contact number and the requirements of the trip destination, we also considered the purpose of the trip. We thought of why this trip will be considered as an innovation and change in the school. Continuing with the planning process. we planned the activities that will be held for the trip (pre-white- and after trip activity) It is important to get the children to work on activities before, while and after the trip, to keep the learning ongoing all the time and to benefit from the trip, which will make the trip educational. we also designed a timeline table of the innovation project. we had the time and the activities mentioned to show the process of the innovation project from the school al the way back to it.
Click on the heading "INNOVATION PROJECT PLAN" to view the whole provisional plan.
As a result of good planning and prior organizations, the trip went successfully. From my observations throughout the trip, the activities were appropriate for the children, children were enjoying and engaged in what they were doing. I also got a feedback from my school mentor teacher that the children were learning and telling what they saw and furthermore which extended their leaning and that itself demonstrated the success of the innovation. In my opinion, the trip was appropriate for the children where children linked what they learned at school to real life. The school supported us and gave us the freedom to plan and implement the innovation without many limitations which got a big part of the success.